Friday, August 28, 2009

Today is 8 28

Hello ....whoever is reading this....

I just wanted to remind you that today is 8 28..... Remember that no matter what is going on in your life right now....or even something that happened yesterday or beyond...God is working ALL of it for good.....Romans 8:28

HE has the power to change brokenness into healing and weakness into strength !!! The amazing truth of it all is that we are ALL works in progress.....always "under construction" until the day HE brings us home to be with HIM. We constantly have the ability to search for HIS purpose and who HE has planned us to be!!! We just have to ask and trust in HIM....

Prayer: Father God, remind us today that we are just YOUR works in progress. YOU knew each and everyone of us before we were born and know the paths that we should take, (although most of the time we choose to take our own)....Guide our hearts and our minds toward you. Encourage us to take each moment of the day and remember that each and every moment is part of "our" story that you are creating in our lives.....Thank you for today's chapter !! We ask this in your son, Jesus' name. AMEN !

1 comment:

Lorri said...

Hi Kelly..I did my 8-2-8 post today too! Thanks for the blog link!